Catching Fire:: by Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire is the second book in “The Hunger Games” trilogy. I really loved this book. I liked the first book “The Hunger Games” pretty well and I was excited to get my hands on this one. If you are going to read this series I suggest you try to have all of them when you start, or you may very well go crazy waiting. Catching Fire starts off kind of slow, filling readers in on what happened in the first book and since then (so if you want to read them “stand-alone” it’s possible, but I doubt you will.) However, once it gets going, you won’t be able to put it down. It is packed with nonstop suspense and surprises. Collins gives you some excellent foreshadowing, but you still won’t believe the stuff she comes up with. This book is a great combination of all my favorite flavors love, murder, heartbreak, betrayal, and don’t forget rebellion. It even has some laugh-out-loud funny moments. I could hardly slee...