Older Reviews
Ok book lovers, read Larissia Ione's "Eternal Rider" and of course I loved it. Intense apocalyptic action, has all the favorite other/under worldly creatures. Angels, battle angels, fallen angels, demons, vampires, wargs, and of course the horsemen of the apocalypse.. Also, my sweet man got me the rest of "The Hunger Games" series, for christmas . Hopefully I will get to start "Catching Fire" tonight....
Finished reading "The Hunger Games" and loved it. Keeps you enthralled for sure! Lots of action and keeps you guessing. Though definitely sticking with my earlier assessment that its not appropriate for grade school age children. But still love it and can't wait to get my hands on the next one in the series, "Catching Fire"...
So, finished another book yesterday. Read my free download of "Jinxed" by Beth Ciotta. Really liked this book too! No complaints at all, and I don't remember finding any errors! I have a link below to the amazon page where you can download for your kindle. There is also a synopsis on the link. Thanks Beth! Congratulations on the bestseller!
These are books I've read the few weeks before I started "Readers Isle." From now on, I will post more "in-depth" reviews and reports.
Happy Reading!!!
-- Dany
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